Man walking alone, wearing amazing costume - made out of old phones - stock photo

Hand tailored costume made out of outdated landline and mobile phones. Shot in limestone landscape.The clothes are an art hybrid of african and eastern european inspired costumes. Combining folkloric costumery with modern day tech to make hybrid outfits that make a statement about the speed in which we’re progressing, what we worship, and how these things become obsolete but similarly are held in nostalgic reverence
Hand tailored costume made out of outdated landline and mobile phones. Shot in limestone landscape.The clothes are an art hybrid of african and eastern european inspired costumes. Combining folkloric costumery with modern day tech to make hybrid outfits that make a statement about the speed in which we’re progressing, what we worship, and how these things become obsolete but similarly are held in nostalgic reverence
Man walking alone, wearing amazing costume - made out of old phones
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6019 x 4013 px (50.96 x 33.98 cm) - 300 dpi - 14 MB
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Faxe, Copenhagen, Denmark
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